Macintosh conversion

To date, two methods have been used to make a personal computer, not offered by Apple, but able to run the Mac operating system: either create a Macintosh conversion or build a Macintosh clone. Unlike Mac clones that contain little or no original Apple hardware, Mac Conversions are essentially modification kits that require the core components of a previously purchased, genuine Apple Mac computer, such as the Macintosh ROM or the motherboard, in order to become a functional computer system.

Macintosh conversion

To date, two methods have been used to make a personal computer, not offered by Apple, but able to run the Mac operating system: either create a Macintosh conversion or build a Macintosh clone. Unlike Mac clones that contain little or no original Apple hardware, Mac Conversions are essentially modification kits that require the core components of a previously purchased, genuine Apple Mac computer, such as the Macintosh ROM or the motherboard, in order to become a functional computer system.