Madonna and Child with the Infant John the Baptist (Correggio, Madrid)

The Madonna and Child with the Infant John the Baptist (previously also known as The Virgin of the Sandal) is a 1518 oil on panel painting by Antonio da Correggio. Stylistically it is closest to the frescoes Correggio produced for the Camera di San Paolo and the fact that it was a model for Michelangelo Anselmi suggests that Correggio painted it in Parma. It is the work in which Leonardo da Vinci's influence on Correggio is most obvious - it forms a free variation on Leonardo's The Virgin of the Rocks.

Madonna and Child with the Infant John the Baptist (Correggio, Madrid)

The Madonna and Child with the Infant John the Baptist (previously also known as The Virgin of the Sandal) is a 1518 oil on panel painting by Antonio da Correggio. Stylistically it is closest to the frescoes Correggio produced for the Camera di San Paolo and the fact that it was a model for Michelangelo Anselmi suggests that Correggio painted it in Parma. It is the work in which Leonardo da Vinci's influence on Correggio is most obvious - it forms a free variation on Leonardo's The Virgin of the Rocks.