Maffeo Gherardi

Maffeo Gherardi (1406–1492) (called the Cardinal of Venice) was an Italian Roman Catholic bishop and cardinal. Maffeo Gherardi was born in Venice in 1406, the son of nobles Giovanni Gherardi and Cristina Barbarigo. He entered the Camaldolese Order when young, receiving the habit from Paolo Venerio, Abbot of the Monastery of St. Michael on Murano. Gherardi later became abbot of this monastery, and later Abbot General of the Camaldolese Order. On his way back to Venice, he died in Terni on September 14, 1492. He is buried in San Pietro di Castello in Venice.

Maffeo Gherardi

Maffeo Gherardi (1406–1492) (called the Cardinal of Venice) was an Italian Roman Catholic bishop and cardinal. Maffeo Gherardi was born in Venice in 1406, the son of nobles Giovanni Gherardi and Cristina Barbarigo. He entered the Camaldolese Order when young, receiving the habit from Paolo Venerio, Abbot of the Monastery of St. Michael on Murano. Gherardi later became abbot of this monastery, and later Abbot General of the Camaldolese Order. On his way back to Venice, he died in Terni on September 14, 1492. He is buried in San Pietro di Castello in Venice.