Magdelaine de La Grange

Magdelaine de La Grange (c. 1641–1679) was a French fortune-teller involved in the Affair of the Poisons. Her arrest in 1677 marked the opening of the official investigation. She appealed to François-Michel le Tellier, Marquis de Louvois claiming that she had information about other crimes of high importance. Louvois reported to the King, who told Gabriel Nicolas de la Reynie, who, among other things, was the chief of the Paris police, to root out the poisoners.

Magdelaine de La Grange

Magdelaine de La Grange (c. 1641–1679) was a French fortune-teller involved in the Affair of the Poisons. Her arrest in 1677 marked the opening of the official investigation. She appealed to François-Michel le Tellier, Marquis de Louvois claiming that she had information about other crimes of high importance. Louvois reported to the King, who told Gabriel Nicolas de la Reynie, who, among other things, was the chief of the Paris police, to root out the poisoners.