Magic state distillation

Magic state distillation is a process that takes in multiple noisy quantum states and outputs a smaller number of more reliable quantum states. It is considered by many experts to be one of the leading proposals for achieving fault tolerant quantum computation. Magic state distillation has also been used to argue that quantum contextuality may be the "magic ingredient" responsible for the power of quantum computers. Magic state distillation was first proposed by in 2004.A related proposal with detailed analysis was given by Sergey Bravyi and Alexei Kitaev in 2004.

Magic state distillation

Magic state distillation is a process that takes in multiple noisy quantum states and outputs a smaller number of more reliable quantum states. It is considered by many experts to be one of the leading proposals for achieving fault tolerant quantum computation. Magic state distillation has also been used to argue that quantum contextuality may be the "magic ingredient" responsible for the power of quantum computers. Magic state distillation was first proposed by in 2004.A related proposal with detailed analysis was given by Sergey Bravyi and Alexei Kitaev in 2004.