Malkoçoğlu Balı Bey

Malkoçoğlu Bali Bey (1495–1555), also known as Malkoç Bey, was an Ottoman military commander and governor, serving Suleiman the Magnificent. The son of Malkoçoğlu Yaya Pasha who had served as Beylerbey of Anatolia and Rumelia and attained the rank of vizier, marrying a daughter of Bayezid II. His younger brother was Malkoçoğlu Mehmet Bey. He distinguished himself at the Battle of Mohács (1526). He then served as the governor (beylerbey) of the Budin Eyalet after 1541. Balı Bey was the commander of akıncı and gazis.

Malkoçoğlu Balı Bey

Malkoçoğlu Bali Bey (1495–1555), also known as Malkoç Bey, was an Ottoman military commander and governor, serving Suleiman the Magnificent. The son of Malkoçoğlu Yaya Pasha who had served as Beylerbey of Anatolia and Rumelia and attained the rank of vizier, marrying a daughter of Bayezid II. His younger brother was Malkoçoğlu Mehmet Bey. He distinguished himself at the Battle of Mohács (1526). He then served as the governor (beylerbey) of the Budin Eyalet after 1541. Balı Bey was the commander of akıncı and gazis.