Man Down (Holby City)

"Man Down" is the thirty-fifth episode of the twentieth series of the British medical drama television series Holby City, and the 938th episode of the overall series. The episode was written by Michelle Lipton and directed by Tracey Rooney, and premiered on BBC One on 28 August 2018. The plot sees Sacha Levy (Bob Barrett), who has depression, contemplate suicide on the roof of Holby City Hospital after the death of long-term patient Connor Barrat (Luke Higgins), with who he has bonded with. The episode features flashbacks to scenes set at key moments within the previous year, which are portrayed from Sacha's perspective. Lipton reread scripts from the past year when developing the flashbacks.

Man Down (Holby City)

"Man Down" is the thirty-fifth episode of the twentieth series of the British medical drama television series Holby City, and the 938th episode of the overall series. The episode was written by Michelle Lipton and directed by Tracey Rooney, and premiered on BBC One on 28 August 2018. The plot sees Sacha Levy (Bob Barrett), who has depression, contemplate suicide on the roof of Holby City Hospital after the death of long-term patient Connor Barrat (Luke Higgins), with who he has bonded with. The episode features flashbacks to scenes set at key moments within the previous year, which are portrayed from Sacha's perspective. Lipton reread scripts from the past year when developing the flashbacks.