Mandor rebellion

The Mandor rebellion (Chinese: 工頭叛亂) in 1884 and 1885, also called the Third Kongsi War, was an uprising of ethnic Chinese, helped by the Dayaks, against the Dutch East Indies government. This was the Dutch view of events - i.e. as an area already under Dutch rule, where that rule was threatened by an uprising. The insurgents appear to have seen things differently, evidently considering themselves as the last-ditch defenders of the overwhelmingly Chinese Lanfang Republic, a kongsi federation that had existed in the area since the late 18th Century, upholding it against a Dutch invasion which put a final end to its existence in 1884-85.

Mandor rebellion

The Mandor rebellion (Chinese: 工頭叛亂) in 1884 and 1885, also called the Third Kongsi War, was an uprising of ethnic Chinese, helped by the Dayaks, against the Dutch East Indies government. This was the Dutch view of events - i.e. as an area already under Dutch rule, where that rule was threatened by an uprising. The insurgents appear to have seen things differently, evidently considering themselves as the last-ditch defenders of the overwhelmingly Chinese Lanfang Republic, a kongsi federation that had existed in the area since the late 18th Century, upholding it against a Dutch invasion which put a final end to its existence in 1884-85.