Manyam Zamindar

Manyam Zamindar were Zamindars from the family of Manyam, belonging to the Komati Arya Vysya sub-caste. They actively participated in the administrative and financial affairs of Yanaon in French-occupied India. In first half of twentieth century, the last Manyam Zamindar died without a male heir and was succeeded by his son-in-law. The new Zamindar was referred as Kotha Venkataratnam Zamindar. Their revenue affairs were handled by an appointed diwan. Monsieur Bouloussou Soubramaniam Sastroulou had been Diwan under Manyam Zamindars until his death in 1941.

Manyam Zamindar

Manyam Zamindar were Zamindars from the family of Manyam, belonging to the Komati Arya Vysya sub-caste. They actively participated in the administrative and financial affairs of Yanaon in French-occupied India. In first half of twentieth century, the last Manyam Zamindar died without a male heir and was succeeded by his son-in-law. The new Zamindar was referred as Kotha Venkataratnam Zamindar. Their revenue affairs were handled by an appointed diwan. Monsieur Bouloussou Soubramaniam Sastroulou had been Diwan under Manyam Zamindars until his death in 1941.