María Pilar López de Maturana Ortiz de Zárate

Blessed María Pilar López de Maturana Ortiz de Zárate (25 July 1884 - 23 July 1934) - in religious Margarita María - was a Spanish Roman Catholic professed religious and the founder of the Mercedarian Missionaries of Bérriz. The religious made several international trips in order to serve in the missions as her order often dabbled in and undertook these trips despite a serious ulcer that transcended into stomach cancer but nevertheless she continued to promote the charism of the missions.

María Pilar López de Maturana Ortiz de Zárate

Blessed María Pilar López de Maturana Ortiz de Zárate (25 July 1884 - 23 July 1934) - in religious Margarita María - was a Spanish Roman Catholic professed religious and the founder of the Mercedarian Missionaries of Bérriz. The religious made several international trips in order to serve in the missions as her order often dabbled in and undertook these trips despite a serious ulcer that transcended into stomach cancer but nevertheless she continued to promote the charism of the missions.