Marcos González de Balcarce

Marcos González de Balcarce (1777–1832) was an Argentine military commander and politician in the early 19th century. González de Balcarce was born in Buenos Aires. He was the son of General Francisco González de Balcarce and younger brother of Juan Ramón and Antonio, both distinguished military commanders and politicians also. He joined the armed forces as a cadet in 1788, under the command of his father, and fought in Vicroy Rafael de Sobremonte's campaigns against incursions by Portuguese Brazilian forces into Misiones Province.

Marcos González de Balcarce

Marcos González de Balcarce (1777–1832) was an Argentine military commander and politician in the early 19th century. González de Balcarce was born in Buenos Aires. He was the son of General Francisco González de Balcarce and younger brother of Juan Ramón and Antonio, both distinguished military commanders and politicians also. He joined the armed forces as a cadet in 1788, under the command of his father, and fought in Vicroy Rafael de Sobremonte's campaigns against incursions by Portuguese Brazilian forces into Misiones Province.