Margarita Lozano

Margarita de las Flores Lozano Jiménez (born 14 February 1931 in Tetuan) is a Spanish-born actress known for her career in Italian films. She has worked for Luis Buñuel in Viridiana, Sergio Leone in A Fistful of Dollars, Pier Paolo Pasolini in Pigsty, the Taviani brothers in The Night of the Shooting Stars, Kaos and Good Morning Babylon; Nanni Moretti in La messa è finita; and in Claude Berri's diptych Jean de Florette and Manon des Sources.

Margarita Lozano

Margarita de las Flores Lozano Jiménez (born 14 February 1931 in Tetuan) is a Spanish-born actress known for her career in Italian films. She has worked for Luis Buñuel in Viridiana, Sergio Leone in A Fistful of Dollars, Pier Paolo Pasolini in Pigsty, the Taviani brothers in The Night of the Shooting Stars, Kaos and Good Morning Babylon; Nanni Moretti in La messa è finita; and in Claude Berri's diptych Jean de Florette and Manon des Sources.