Mariano Valguarnera

Mariano Valguarnera (7 October 1564 – 28 August 1634) was an Italian writer and diplomat. He was the son of Fabrizio Valguarnera, baron Godrano. He knew classical and modern languages (Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, Spanish), and studied theology, philosophy and mathematics. After the death of his wife he became a priest. In 1629 he participated in a diplomatic mission to Madrid. His diplomatic talent was appreciated by Philip IV of Spain, who made him royal chaplain and abbot. After returning to Italy, he lived at the court of Pope Urban VIII, on whose behalf he translated and commented the works of Anacreon. He died on August 28, 1634, and was buried in the church of San Domenico in Palermo (the Pantheon of Sicily). His most important work is Il Discorso dell'origine ed antichità di Paler

Mariano Valguarnera

Mariano Valguarnera (7 October 1564 – 28 August 1634) was an Italian writer and diplomat. He was the son of Fabrizio Valguarnera, baron Godrano. He knew classical and modern languages (Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, Spanish), and studied theology, philosophy and mathematics. After the death of his wife he became a priest. In 1629 he participated in a diplomatic mission to Madrid. His diplomatic talent was appreciated by Philip IV of Spain, who made him royal chaplain and abbot. After returning to Italy, he lived at the court of Pope Urban VIII, on whose behalf he translated and commented the works of Anacreon. He died on August 28, 1634, and was buried in the church of San Domenico in Palermo (the Pantheon of Sicily). His most important work is Il Discorso dell'origine ed antichità di Paler