Martinican Communist Party

The Martinican Communist Party (French: Parti communiste martiniquais) is a political party in the French département d'outre-mer of Martinique. Georges Erichot is the general secretary of the party. The party was founded in September 1957 at the first conference of the Martinique federation of the French Communist Party. Amongst its founders was the communist MP Léopold Bissol. In the early 1960s PCM became the largest party in Martinique. In 1971 the party governed 4 municipalities. The strength of PCM was based on upon its mass organizations; the , the and the . PCM conducted extensive work amongst the peasant population. At the time the policy of PCM stressed the specific conditions of the historical development of Martinique, the immediate need of a broad front to fight for autonomy

Martinican Communist Party

The Martinican Communist Party (French: Parti communiste martiniquais) is a political party in the French département d'outre-mer of Martinique. Georges Erichot is the general secretary of the party. The party was founded in September 1957 at the first conference of the Martinique federation of the French Communist Party. Amongst its founders was the communist MP Léopold Bissol. In the early 1960s PCM became the largest party in Martinique. In 1971 the party governed 4 municipalities. The strength of PCM was based on upon its mass organizations; the , the and the . PCM conducted extensive work amongst the peasant population. At the time the policy of PCM stressed the specific conditions of the historical development of Martinique, the immediate need of a broad front to fight for autonomy