
Maskepetoon (c. 1807 – 1869) was a renowned Cree leader and warrior. He was a highly respected peace-maker, due to his negotiation of truces between the Cree and other First Nations. It has been said by Hugh Dempsey that even during Maskepetoon's youth, he was an intelligent child and showed leadership. After leaving the care of his mother, Maskepetoon began to study the necessary skills of hunting and trapping. In the early to mid 1820s, his tribe struggled with starvation as well as ongoing conflict. This meant that Maskepetoon would have had to take up the role of a soldier, being put in positions of guarding the camp and scouting for any potential threats. Dempsey has also noted that Maskepetoon eventually chose peace over war following a visit to a holy man. He was said to have been s


Maskepetoon (c. 1807 – 1869) was a renowned Cree leader and warrior. He was a highly respected peace-maker, due to his negotiation of truces between the Cree and other First Nations. It has been said by Hugh Dempsey that even during Maskepetoon's youth, he was an intelligent child and showed leadership. After leaving the care of his mother, Maskepetoon began to study the necessary skills of hunting and trapping. In the early to mid 1820s, his tribe struggled with starvation as well as ongoing conflict. This meant that Maskepetoon would have had to take up the role of a soldier, being put in positions of guarding the camp and scouting for any potential threats. Dempsey has also noted that Maskepetoon eventually chose peace over war following a visit to a holy man. He was said to have been s