Matthew Moseley

Matthew L. Moseley (born May 12, 1967 in New Orleans, Louisiana) is an American communications and media strategist. Moseley is an accomplished open water swimmer. On July 20, 2017, he set a new record becoming the first to swim cage-free from the U.S. Virgin Islands to Puerto Rico, following World Open Water Swimming Association rules, to raise pollution awareness. The swim was a benefit for the Scuba Dogs Society and the Colorado-based Inland Ocean Coalition. The 5 Gyres Institute monitored microplastics through a specific protocol for one of the first data sets of plastic content in the Caribbean. On June 13, 2014 he successfully completed the first solo crossing of Lake Ponchatrain in New Orleans, LA in 14 hours 55 minutes. His swim was not only the first solo crossing of the lake (usi

Matthew Moseley

Matthew L. Moseley (born May 12, 1967 in New Orleans, Louisiana) is an American communications and media strategist. Moseley is an accomplished open water swimmer. On July 20, 2017, he set a new record becoming the first to swim cage-free from the U.S. Virgin Islands to Puerto Rico, following World Open Water Swimming Association rules, to raise pollution awareness. The swim was a benefit for the Scuba Dogs Society and the Colorado-based Inland Ocean Coalition. The 5 Gyres Institute monitored microplastics through a specific protocol for one of the first data sets of plastic content in the Caribbean. On June 13, 2014 he successfully completed the first solo crossing of Lake Ponchatrain in New Orleans, LA in 14 hours 55 minutes. His swim was not only the first solo crossing of the lake (usi