Medea (Johnson play)

Medea is a 1730 play by the British writer Charles Johnson. It is based on Medea from Greek mythology. The original Drury Lane cast included Mary Porter as Medea, Robert Wilks as Jason, William Mills as Aegeus, Christiana Horton as Ethra, John Mills as Creon, Sarah Thurmond as Creusa, Thomas Hallam as Eumelus and John Corey as Therapion.

Medea (Johnson play)

Medea is a 1730 play by the British writer Charles Johnson. It is based on Medea from Greek mythology. The original Drury Lane cast included Mary Porter as Medea, Robert Wilks as Jason, William Mills as Aegeus, Christiana Horton as Ethra, John Mills as Creon, Sarah Thurmond as Creusa, Thomas Hallam as Eumelus and John Corey as Therapion.