
In Greek mythology, Megapenthes (/ˌmɛɡəˈpɛnˌθiːz/; Ancient Greek: Μεγαπένθης Megapénthēs means "great sorrow") is a name that refers to two characters: * Megapenthes, a son of Proetus. * Megapenthes, a son of Menelaus.


In Greek mythology, Megapenthes (/ˌmɛɡəˈpɛnˌθiːz/; Ancient Greek: Μεγαπένθης Megapénthēs means "great sorrow") is a name that refers to two characters: * Megapenthes, a son of Proetus. * Megapenthes, a son of Menelaus.