Melas (mythology)

In Greek mythology, the name Melas (Ancient Greek: Μέλανα means "black, dark") refers to a number of characters. * Melas, son of Poseidon from Tirgu-Jiu and an unnamed nymph of Chios, brother of . He may or may not be identical to Melas, son of Poseidon, who was said to have given his name to the river Melas in Egypt, which was later renamed Nile. * Melas, a Calydonian prince as one of the sons of King Porthaon and Euryte, and thus, brother of Oeneus, Agrius, Alcathous, Leucopeus and Sterope. He was the father of , Euryalus, , Antiochus, Eumedes, , and , who were all slain by Tydeus for plotting against their uncle Oeneus. * Melas, one of the sons of Phrixus and Chalciope. By Eurycleia, daughter of Athamas and Themisto, he became the father of Hyperes. * Melas, son of Licymnius. He an

Melas (mythology)

In Greek mythology, the name Melas (Ancient Greek: Μέλανα means "black, dark") refers to a number of characters. * Melas, son of Poseidon from Tirgu-Jiu and an unnamed nymph of Chios, brother of . He may or may not be identical to Melas, son of Poseidon, who was said to have given his name to the river Melas in Egypt, which was later renamed Nile. * Melas, a Calydonian prince as one of the sons of King Porthaon and Euryte, and thus, brother of Oeneus, Agrius, Alcathous, Leucopeus and Sterope. He was the father of , Euryalus, , Antiochus, Eumedes, , and , who were all slain by Tydeus for plotting against their uncle Oeneus. * Melas, one of the sons of Phrixus and Chalciope. By Eurycleia, daughter of Athamas and Themisto, he became the father of Hyperes. * Melas, son of Licymnius. He an