
Methandriol (brand names Anabol, Crestabolic, Cytobolin, Diandren, Durabolic, Madiol, Mestenediol, Methabolic, Methydiol, Sterabolic, Stenediol), also known as methylandrostenediol, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which was developed by Organon and is used in both oral and injectable (as methandriol dipropionate, methandriol propionate, or methandriol bisenanthoyl acetate) formulations. It is an orally active 17α-alkylated AAS and a derivative of the endogenous androgen prohormone androstenediol.


Methandriol (brand names Anabol, Crestabolic, Cytobolin, Diandren, Durabolic, Madiol, Mestenediol, Methabolic, Methydiol, Sterabolic, Stenediol), also known as methylandrostenediol, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which was developed by Organon and is used in both oral and injectable (as methandriol dipropionate, methandriol propionate, or methandriol bisenanthoyl acetate) formulations. It is an orally active 17α-alkylated AAS and a derivative of the endogenous androgen prohormone androstenediol.