Mettius Fufetius

Mettius Fufetius (died in 673 BC) was a dictator of Alba Longa, an ancient town in central Italy near Rome. He was appointed after the death of king Gaius Cluilius. When a full-blown war threatened to erupt between the Alba Longans and the Romans, Fufetius proposed to the third legendary King of Rome, Tullus Hostilius, a smaller 3 vs. 3 battle (Horatii and Curiatii). Having lost this, the Albans submitted themselves to Roman rule. Disappointed in the outcome, Fufetius later schemed with an Etruscan rival, but was defeated by Rome.

Mettius Fufetius

Mettius Fufetius (died in 673 BC) was a dictator of Alba Longa, an ancient town in central Italy near Rome. He was appointed after the death of king Gaius Cluilius. When a full-blown war threatened to erupt between the Alba Longans and the Romans, Fufetius proposed to the third legendary King of Rome, Tullus Hostilius, a smaller 3 vs. 3 battle (Horatii and Curiatii). Having lost this, the Albans submitted themselves to Roman rule. Disappointed in the outcome, Fufetius later schemed with an Etruscan rival, but was defeated by Rome.