Mexican sex comedy

The Mexican sex comedies film genre, generally known as Ficheras film or Sexicomedias is a genre of sexploitation and Mexploitation films of the Mexican cinema that flourished in the 1970s and 1980s. It is recognized as a collection of usually low quality films with low budgets. Although the films had sexual tones and used double entendre, they were not particularly explicit (it was common for the male characters in this films to comedically fail in their attempts to have sex the female characters, and when intercourse did happen the performances were exaggerated and pantomime-like, aiming to generate laughter more than arousal). The genre is possibly based on the Italian erotic comedies. The popular term for it came from the film Las ficheras, produced and released in 1975, which describe

Mexican sex comedy

The Mexican sex comedies film genre, generally known as Ficheras film or Sexicomedias is a genre of sexploitation and Mexploitation films of the Mexican cinema that flourished in the 1970s and 1980s. It is recognized as a collection of usually low quality films with low budgets. Although the films had sexual tones and used double entendre, they were not particularly explicit (it was common for the male characters in this films to comedically fail in their attempts to have sex the female characters, and when intercourse did happen the performances were exaggerated and pantomime-like, aiming to generate laughter more than arousal). The genre is possibly based on the Italian erotic comedies. The popular term for it came from the film Las ficheras, produced and released in 1975, which describe