Michael Naranjo

Michael Naranjo is a Native American blind sculptor. Born in 1944 - Santa Clara Pueblo, NM, as a Tewa Tribe people. He was raised in Taos, New Mexico. The son of the ceramic artist Rose Naranjo. He made first contact with pottery and art by the side of his mother. He was drawn into the army and served in Vietnam War. During the patrol the Viet Cong soldier threw the grenade that took his sight and maimed his right hand. During the convalescence period he start sculpting in clay. Gradually sculpting became his passion and profession. The first models were made in clay, wax and papier-mache, some were cast in bronze. Later he creates in stone. His favourite topics are Native American warrior, a hoop dancer, a female nude, a child, a soldier, a bear or fish or bird.

Michael Naranjo

Michael Naranjo is a Native American blind sculptor. Born in 1944 - Santa Clara Pueblo, NM, as a Tewa Tribe people. He was raised in Taos, New Mexico. The son of the ceramic artist Rose Naranjo. He made first contact with pottery and art by the side of his mother. He was drawn into the army and served in Vietnam War. During the patrol the Viet Cong soldier threw the grenade that took his sight and maimed his right hand. During the convalescence period he start sculpting in clay. Gradually sculpting became his passion and profession. The first models were made in clay, wax and papier-mache, some were cast in bronze. Later he creates in stone. His favourite topics are Native American warrior, a hoop dancer, a female nude, a child, a soldier, a bear or fish or bird.