MicroBilt Corporation

Microbilt Corporation is a credit reporting company and leading alternative credit data provider. Since its founding in 1978, it has grown by acquisition to challenge its larger rivals.Its PRBC consumer credit subsidiary offers consumers the ability to self-report on the bill paying habits as a means of positively impacting their credit score. MicroBilt’s other subsidiaries focus on business credit and services to sub-prime lenders.Many of the company's products are designed to help businesses accurately assess risk on consumers who otherwise have thin traditional credit files. In doing so, credit can be extended to consumers where it couldn't before opening a new customer base to a company and new opportunities to a consumer.

MicroBilt Corporation

Microbilt Corporation is a credit reporting company and leading alternative credit data provider. Since its founding in 1978, it has grown by acquisition to challenge its larger rivals.Its PRBC consumer credit subsidiary offers consumers the ability to self-report on the bill paying habits as a means of positively impacting their credit score. MicroBilt’s other subsidiaries focus on business credit and services to sub-prime lenders.Many of the company's products are designed to help businesses accurately assess risk on consumers who otherwise have thin traditional credit files. In doing so, credit can be extended to consumers where it couldn't before opening a new customer base to a company and new opportunities to a consumer.