
Micromania-Zing, formerly Micromania is the major video game retail company in France founded in 1983 by Albert Loridan. From 2005 to 2014, it tripled in size under the leadership of Pierre Cuilleret. In 2008 it was purchased by GameStop for approximately US$700 million (€480 million) in cash. In 2017 the company merged with its sister company Zing Pop Culture and changed its name to Micromania-Zing. Zing was launched in 2015 for distribution of derivative products of game franchises: manga, comics, films, etc. The consolidating merge addressed the decrease in gaming revenues.


Micromania-Zing, formerly Micromania is the major video game retail company in France founded in 1983 by Albert Loridan. From 2005 to 2014, it tripled in size under the leadership of Pierre Cuilleret. In 2008 it was purchased by GameStop for approximately US$700 million (€480 million) in cash. In 2017 the company merged with its sister company Zing Pop Culture and changed its name to Micromania-Zing. Zing was launched in 2015 for distribution of derivative products of game franchises: manga, comics, films, etc. The consolidating merge addressed the decrease in gaming revenues.