Milwaukee Motion Picture Commission

The Milwaukee Motion Picture Commission (MMPC) was the official film censor board of the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Board operated from 1914 to 1970 and kept dozens of films from playing in the city and struck hundreds of "objectionable" scenes from other films. It was unique among the large roster of city and state film censor boards in that it was never endowed with any legal powers, but enforced its rulings through the threat of theatre license revocation. MMPC Executive Secretaries Notable Films Ruled Not Suitable for Exhibition in Milwaukee

Milwaukee Motion Picture Commission

The Milwaukee Motion Picture Commission (MMPC) was the official film censor board of the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Board operated from 1914 to 1970 and kept dozens of films from playing in the city and struck hundreds of "objectionable" scenes from other films. It was unique among the large roster of city and state film censor boards in that it was never endowed with any legal powers, but enforced its rulings through the threat of theatre license revocation. MMPC Executive Secretaries Notable Films Ruled Not Suitable for Exhibition in Milwaukee