Mindful Education

"Mindful Education" is the fourth episode of the fourth season of the American animated television series Steven Universe, which premiered on August 25, 2016 on Cartoon Network. The episode was written and storyboarded by Colin Howard, Jeff Liu, and by Takafumi Hori. The episode was watched by 1.334 million viewers. The episode focuses on Steven and Connie training as their fusion, Stevonnie. However, when their respective personal problems interfere with the stability of the fusion, Garnet, a permanent fusion herself, steps in to help them.

Mindful Education

"Mindful Education" is the fourth episode of the fourth season of the American animated television series Steven Universe, which premiered on August 25, 2016 on Cartoon Network. The episode was written and storyboarded by Colin Howard, Jeff Liu, and by Takafumi Hori. The episode was watched by 1.334 million viewers. The episode focuses on Steven and Connie training as their fusion, Stevonnie. However, when their respective personal problems interfere with the stability of the fusion, Garnet, a permanent fusion herself, steps in to help them.