
Mirăslău (German: Mireslau; Hungarian: Miriszló) is a commune located in Alba County, Transylvania, Romania. It has a population of 1,985 (2011). The commune is composed of six villages: Cicău (Csákó), Decea (Marosdécse), Lopadea Veche (Oláhlapád), Mirăslău, Ormeniș (Marosörméyes) and Rachiș (Oláhrákos). The commune is the site of a battle in 1600 between the Wallachian army led by Michael the Brave and the Hungarian noblemen supported by the Austrian general Giorgio Basta (see Battle of Mirăslău).


Mirăslău (German: Mireslau; Hungarian: Miriszló) is a commune located in Alba County, Transylvania, Romania. It has a population of 1,985 (2011). The commune is composed of six villages: Cicău (Csákó), Decea (Marosdécse), Lopadea Veche (Oláhlapád), Mirăslău, Ormeniș (Marosörméyes) and Rachiș (Oláhrákos). The commune is the site of a battle in 1600 between the Wallachian army led by Michael the Brave and the Hungarian noblemen supported by the Austrian general Giorgio Basta (see Battle of Mirăslău).