Mithavaadi Krishnan

Changaramkumarath Krishnan Vakkeel was a community leader, banker, social reformer, and journalist from Kerala, India. He was a champion of implementing the revolutionary socialist reforms proposed by Sree Narayana Guru for the upliftment of the downtrodden people of Kerala. He was called Mithavathi―a minimalist―after the newspaper he published from 1913 to 1938 to spread the message of the reformist movement. He was well-educated and hailed from an influential family. Although he could have entered the government service and risen to higher positions with his education and wealth, he renounced all these for the liberation of the backward classes from the clutch of pathological social system.

Mithavaadi Krishnan

Changaramkumarath Krishnan Vakkeel was a community leader, banker, social reformer, and journalist from Kerala, India. He was a champion of implementing the revolutionary socialist reforms proposed by Sree Narayana Guru for the upliftment of the downtrodden people of Kerala. He was called Mithavathi―a minimalist―after the newspaper he published from 1913 to 1938 to spread the message of the reformist movement. He was well-educated and hailed from an influential family. Although he could have entered the government service and risen to higher positions with his education and wealth, he renounced all these for the liberation of the backward classes from the clutch of pathological social system.