Monastery of San Salvador de Celanova

The monastery of San Salvador de Celanova is a religious complex in Celanova, Galicia, Spain. The once wealthy abbey of Benedictines was founded by St. Rudesind (San Rosendo) in 936. The jewel of the complex is the small mozarabic chapel of San Miguel, dating from 942. It is located near Allariz and 14 miles (23 km) from Ourense. In the garden is one of the oldest chapels in Spain, built before 973.

Monastery of San Salvador de Celanova

The monastery of San Salvador de Celanova is a religious complex in Celanova, Galicia, Spain. The once wealthy abbey of Benedictines was founded by St. Rudesind (San Rosendo) in 936. The jewel of the complex is the small mozarabic chapel of San Miguel, dating from 942. It is located near Allariz and 14 miles (23 km) from Ourense. In the garden is one of the oldest chapels in Spain, built before 973.