Moses Curiel

Don Moses Curiel (1620-1697), in Dutch Mozes Curiël, alias Jeronimo Nunes da Costa, was a Sephardic Jewish nobleman, diplomat, and wealthy merchant, who traded in diamonds, sugar and tobacco. Curiel was born in Florence; he was the eldest son of Jacob Curiel, alias Duarte Nunes da Costa. In 1627 the family moved to Hamburg. He was sent to be educated at protestant Heidelberg University in Heidelberg, Germany. In 1642 he moved to Amsterdam, the Netherlands and served as Agent to the Portuguese Crown from 1645 until his death. In 1654 he lived on Sint Antoniesbreestraat and married Rabecka Abbas. During his time in Amsterdam he generously patronised Hebrew scholarship.

Moses Curiel

Don Moses Curiel (1620-1697), in Dutch Mozes Curiël, alias Jeronimo Nunes da Costa, was a Sephardic Jewish nobleman, diplomat, and wealthy merchant, who traded in diamonds, sugar and tobacco. Curiel was born in Florence; he was the eldest son of Jacob Curiel, alias Duarte Nunes da Costa. In 1627 the family moved to Hamburg. He was sent to be educated at protestant Heidelberg University in Heidelberg, Germany. In 1642 he moved to Amsterdam, the Netherlands and served as Agent to the Portuguese Crown from 1645 until his death. In 1654 he lived on Sint Antoniesbreestraat and married Rabecka Abbas. During his time in Amsterdam he generously patronised Hebrew scholarship.