Moses da Costa

Moses Mendes da Costa (died 1747), also called Anthony da Costa, was an 18th-century English banker. He was so successful as a banker, that he has sometimes been said to have been on the board of the Bank of England; however, although he held shares in the bank, he was not in fact ever a director. In 1727, he brought an action against the Russia Company, which refused to admit him to membership on the ground of his being a Jew. The attorney-general decided that he must be admitted, whereupon the company petitioned Parliament to modify the former's charter so as to give it the right of refusal.

Moses da Costa

Moses Mendes da Costa (died 1747), also called Anthony da Costa, was an 18th-century English banker. He was so successful as a banker, that he has sometimes been said to have been on the board of the Bank of England; however, although he held shares in the bank, he was not in fact ever a director. In 1727, he brought an action against the Russia Company, which refused to admit him to membership on the ground of his being a Jew. The attorney-general decided that he must be admitted, whereupon the company petitioned Parliament to modify the former's charter so as to give it the right of refusal.