Mount Grey / Maukatere

Mount Grey / Maukatere is a 934 metres (3,064 ft) mountain 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) west of Amberley in New Zealand. Mount Grey is named after Sir George Grey, the governor and Premier between 1845 and 1879. The Maori name for the mountain was Maukatere, which means "floating mountain", as they believed spirits of the dead left from the summit on the long journey to Cape Reinga. In 1998, as a result of the settling of the Ngāi Tahu Treaty claim, the mountain officially became Mount Grey / Maukatere.

Mount Grey / Maukatere

Mount Grey / Maukatere is a 934 metres (3,064 ft) mountain 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) west of Amberley in New Zealand. Mount Grey is named after Sir George Grey, the governor and Premier between 1845 and 1879. The Maori name for the mountain was Maukatere, which means "floating mountain", as they believed spirits of the dead left from the summit on the long journey to Cape Reinga. In 1998, as a result of the settling of the Ngāi Tahu Treaty claim, the mountain officially became Mount Grey / Maukatere.