Mountain (TV series)

Mountain is a British television series written and presented by Griff Rhys Jones that was originally broadcast 29 July–26 August 2007 on BBC One. The five programmes follow Rhys Jones as he traverses the mountains of Great Britain, from Wales to the Northern Highlands of Scotland. He also looks at the effect mountains have on the people who live near them, and vice versa. The series is an IWC Media production for BBC Scotland.

Mountain (TV series)

Mountain is a British television series written and presented by Griff Rhys Jones that was originally broadcast 29 July–26 August 2007 on BBC One. The five programmes follow Rhys Jones as he traverses the mountains of Great Britain, from Wales to the Northern Highlands of Scotland. He also looks at the effect mountains have on the people who live near them, and vice versa. The series is an IWC Media production for BBC Scotland.