N-420 road (Spain)

The N-420 is a highway in Spain. The road starts 36 km east of Córdoba at Montoro (Junction 356 of the Autovía A-4). The N-420 runs north through the heavily wooded Sierra Morena passing over the Puerto de Niella (902m) then crossing the valley of the Rio Montoro before taking the Puerto Pulido to Puertollano. The AVE Sevilla-Madrid runs parallel to the road on its way to Ciudad Real. The N-420 heads north through the Sierra Palomera, joining the N-211 towards Alcañiz. Then, N-420 crosses the Puerto del Esquinazo (1,381m) and Puerto St Just (1,381m), ending at Tarragona.

N-420 road (Spain)

The N-420 is a highway in Spain. The road starts 36 km east of Córdoba at Montoro (Junction 356 of the Autovía A-4). The N-420 runs north through the heavily wooded Sierra Morena passing over the Puerto de Niella (902m) then crossing the valley of the Rio Montoro before taking the Puerto Pulido to Puertollano. The AVE Sevilla-Madrid runs parallel to the road on its way to Ciudad Real. The N-420 heads north through the Sierra Palomera, joining the N-211 towards Alcañiz. Then, N-420 crosses the Puerto del Esquinazo (1,381m) and Puerto St Just (1,381m), ending at Tarragona.