NEPACCO, or the "North Eastern Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals Co" was a pharmaceutical and chemical company founded in 1966 in Stamford, Connecticut, best known for its role in the Times Beach Hazmat Incident. Following the ban of Hexachlorophene in 1972, NEPACCO halted production on the site. By 1974, the company had liquidated all its assets, and was shut down by the Delaware Secretary of State in 1976.


NEPACCO, or the "North Eastern Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals Co" was a pharmaceutical and chemical company founded in 1966 in Stamford, Connecticut, best known for its role in the Times Beach Hazmat Incident. Following the ban of Hexachlorophene in 1972, NEPACCO halted production on the site. By 1974, the company had liquidated all its assets, and was shut down by the Delaware Secretary of State in 1976.