Narodnozabavni rock

"Narodnozabavni rock" (Folkpop rock) is a song written by and and performed by Ansambel Roka Žlindre and Kalamari, who represented Slovenia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2010. The song was the winner of the EMA 2010 contest held on 21 February 2010, receiving a total of 15,907 televotes, almost five times as many votes as runner-up Nina Pušlar, who received 3,527. The song did not progress to the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 final.

Narodnozabavni rock

"Narodnozabavni rock" (Folkpop rock) is a song written by and and performed by Ansambel Roka Žlindre and Kalamari, who represented Slovenia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2010. The song was the winner of the EMA 2010 contest held on 21 February 2010, receiving a total of 15,907 televotes, almost five times as many votes as runner-up Nina Pušlar, who received 3,527. The song did not progress to the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 final.