Natalia Paruz

Natalia 'Saw Lady' Paruz is a New York City-based musical saw and novelty instruments player and busker. She is the founder and director of the annual Musical Saw Festival in New York City. She also organized the musical saw festival in Israel. She is a columnist of the 'Saw Player News' and a judge at international musical saw competitions. Paruz often plays the musical saw in contemporary music, encouraging today's composers to write music for this instrument. The December 3rd, 2011 'Washington Post' crossword puzzle had Paruz as a question: "Down 5 - Instrument played by Natalia Paruz".

Natalia Paruz

Natalia 'Saw Lady' Paruz is a New York City-based musical saw and novelty instruments player and busker. She is the founder and director of the annual Musical Saw Festival in New York City. She also organized the musical saw festival in Israel. She is a columnist of the 'Saw Player News' and a judge at international musical saw competitions. Paruz often plays the musical saw in contemporary music, encouraging today's composers to write music for this instrument. The December 3rd, 2011 'Washington Post' crossword puzzle had Paruz as a question: "Down 5 - Instrument played by Natalia Paruz".