National Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government

The National Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government (NCUCG), also known as the Committee for Constitutional Government (CCG), was founded in 1937 in opposition to Franklin D. Roosevelt's Court Packing Bill. The Committee opposed most, if not all, of the New Deal legislation. Founders of the Committee were Frank Gannett, Amos Pinchot and Edward Rumely. The organization enjoyed considerable success in opposing the Bill, also because of large mailing list campaign targeted at legal professionals.

National Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government

The National Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government (NCUCG), also known as the Committee for Constitutional Government (CCG), was founded in 1937 in opposition to Franklin D. Roosevelt's Court Packing Bill. The Committee opposed most, if not all, of the New Deal legislation. Founders of the Committee were Frank Gannett, Amos Pinchot and Edward Rumely. The organization enjoyed considerable success in opposing the Bill, also because of large mailing list campaign targeted at legal professionals.