National Liberation Forces (Mexico)

The National Liberation Forces (Spanish: Fuerzas de Liberación Nacional, FLN), was an insurgent group in Mexico. It was founded in 1969 by a group of young regiomontanos led by César Yáñez Muñoz, integrating the members of an old dissolved organization called the Mexican Insurgent Army (EIM). One of the leaders of the FLN was Rafael Guillén, who became a prominent leader within the FLN's successor, the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN).

National Liberation Forces (Mexico)

The National Liberation Forces (Spanish: Fuerzas de Liberación Nacional, FLN), was an insurgent group in Mexico. It was founded in 1969 by a group of young regiomontanos led by César Yáñez Muñoz, integrating the members of an old dissolved organization called the Mexican Insurgent Army (EIM). One of the leaders of the FLN was Rafael Guillén, who became a prominent leader within the FLN's successor, the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN).