National Marionette Theatre

The National Marionette Theatre (Czech: Národní divadlo marionet, NDM) is a theatre company devoted to puppetry performances, located in the Old Town neighborhood of Prague, Czech Republic. The company has been active since June 1991, but uses a historical puppetry space called Říše loutek (Kingdom of the Puppets) that dates to at least 1929, when it hosted the founding of the

National Marionette Theatre

The National Marionette Theatre (Czech: Národní divadlo marionet, NDM) is a theatre company devoted to puppetry performances, located in the Old Town neighborhood of Prague, Czech Republic. The company has been active since June 1991, but uses a historical puppetry space called Říše loutek (Kingdom of the Puppets) that dates to at least 1929, when it hosted the founding of the