National Socialist Kindred

The National Socialist Kindred was a group that sought to combine Esoteric Nazism and Odinism with a plan to create a White separatist "Folk Community" in Northern California called Volksberg. The group was founded by Joseph Turner (1946-1996), also known as Jost. Turner was a Vietnam War veteran who was disillusioned when he returned to California in the late 1960s. While contemptuous of much of the 1960s counterculture, racial integration, drug use and civil disobedience he found, Turner also sympathized with the hippies rejection of selfishness and materialism, which he believed was characteristic of the White majority of the time, and like their idea of "destroying the system by non-participation". Taking inspiration from the back-to-the-land and communalist movements of the decade, Tu

National Socialist Kindred

The National Socialist Kindred was a group that sought to combine Esoteric Nazism and Odinism with a plan to create a White separatist "Folk Community" in Northern California called Volksberg. The group was founded by Joseph Turner (1946-1996), also known as Jost. Turner was a Vietnam War veteran who was disillusioned when he returned to California in the late 1960s. While contemptuous of much of the 1960s counterculture, racial integration, drug use and civil disobedience he found, Turner also sympathized with the hippies rejection of selfishness and materialism, which he believed was characteristic of the White majority of the time, and like their idea of "destroying the system by non-participation". Taking inspiration from the back-to-the-land and communalist movements of the decade, Tu