Native American Pidgin English

Native American Pidgin English (AIPE) was an English-based pidgin spoken by Europeans and Native Americans in western North America. The main geographic regions AIPE was spoken in was British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington. AIPE is mentioned in World Englishes as one of many factors influencing American English. Native American Pidgin English is much more similar to English than many other English-based pidgins, and could be considered a mere ethnolect of American English.

Native American Pidgin English

Native American Pidgin English (AIPE) was an English-based pidgin spoken by Europeans and Native Americans in western North America. The main geographic regions AIPE was spoken in was British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington. AIPE is mentioned in World Englishes as one of many factors influencing American English. Native American Pidgin English is much more similar to English than many other English-based pidgins, and could be considered a mere ethnolect of American English.