Nawab Mustafa Khan Shefta

Nawab Mustafa Khan "Shefta" (1809–1869) was an Urdu poet and critic, and a contemporary of Mirza Ghalib. "Shefta" was his Urdu "takhallus" or pen name (he used the name "Hasrati" for his Farsi writings). Born in Delhi, he belonged to a prominent landowning family of Bangash Afghans. His kinsmen included the Nawabs of Farrukhabad and the rebel Walidad Khan. His father-in-law was the famous General Ismail Beg Hamadani. His estates included the jagir of Palwal in Gurgaon and Jehangirabad in Meerut.

Nawab Mustafa Khan Shefta

Nawab Mustafa Khan "Shefta" (1809–1869) was an Urdu poet and critic, and a contemporary of Mirza Ghalib. "Shefta" was his Urdu "takhallus" or pen name (he used the name "Hasrati" for his Farsi writings). Born in Delhi, he belonged to a prominent landowning family of Bangash Afghans. His kinsmen included the Nawabs of Farrukhabad and the rebel Walidad Khan. His father-in-law was the famous General Ismail Beg Hamadani. His estates included the jagir of Palwal in Gurgaon and Jehangirabad in Meerut.