
The Neanderkirche (Neander Church) is a Protestant church in the centre of Düsseldorf, the Altstadt. The building in early Baroque style was completed in 1687 and later named after the Reformed minister and hymn writer Joachim Neander. It is now a parish church of the Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Düsseldorf-Mitte. In 1965, a Rieger organ was installed, which is also used for a series of summer concerts.


The Neanderkirche (Neander Church) is a Protestant church in the centre of Düsseldorf, the Altstadt. The building in early Baroque style was completed in 1687 and later named after the Reformed minister and hymn writer Joachim Neander. It is now a parish church of the Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Düsseldorf-Mitte. In 1965, a Rieger organ was installed, which is also used for a series of summer concerts.