Neillsville Post Office

The Neillsville Post Office is a historic building added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2000. This building is the first federally owned post office in Neillsville. Before that, postal services were provided from a private location chosen by the postmaster at the time. From 1890 to 1938, that was from a site just to the north of this building. In 1937 the Public Works Administration built the current building from a standardized plan, the same used for post offices in Stoughton and Hartford.

Neillsville Post Office

The Neillsville Post Office is a historic building added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2000. This building is the first federally owned post office in Neillsville. Before that, postal services were provided from a private location chosen by the postmaster at the time. From 1890 to 1938, that was from a site just to the north of this building. In 1937 the Public Works Administration built the current building from a standardized plan, the same used for post offices in Stoughton and Hartford.