Netherlands Reformed Congregations

The Netherlands Reformed Congregations is a conservative denomination with congregations in Canada, the United States and Bolivia.It is affiliated with the Reformed Congregations (Gereformeerde Gemeenten) in the Netherlands. The Netherlands Reformed Congregations aim to remain true to inerrant Scripture (the Bible) and its Reformed heritage as expounded in the denomination’s doctrinal standards: Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, and Canons of Dort. They are also in agreement with the Westminster Standards.

Netherlands Reformed Congregations

The Netherlands Reformed Congregations is a conservative denomination with congregations in Canada, the United States and Bolivia.It is affiliated with the Reformed Congregations (Gereformeerde Gemeenten) in the Netherlands. The Netherlands Reformed Congregations aim to remain true to inerrant Scripture (the Bible) and its Reformed heritage as expounded in the denomination’s doctrinal standards: Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, and Canons of Dort. They are also in agreement with the Westminster Standards.