Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival

The Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival (NIFFF) is a Swiss film festival dedicated to fantastic movies. It was created in 2000 and is now renowned internationally as one of the foremost film festivals in the world for genre cinema. The NIFFF defines itself through a rich and diversified programming, constructed around three central axes: Fantastic cinema, Asian cinema and Digital images. The films shown at the Festival are very diversified, ranging from major works by renowned directors to unknown and underground films d'auteurs. Famous fantastic film directors have already honored the NIFFF with their presences, including George A. Romero, Joe Dante, John Landis, Terry Gilliam, Hideo Nakata.

Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival

The Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival (NIFFF) is a Swiss film festival dedicated to fantastic movies. It was created in 2000 and is now renowned internationally as one of the foremost film festivals in the world for genre cinema. The NIFFF defines itself through a rich and diversified programming, constructed around three central axes: Fantastic cinema, Asian cinema and Digital images. The films shown at the Festival are very diversified, ranging from major works by renowned directors to unknown and underground films d'auteurs. Famous fantastic film directors have already honored the NIFFF with their presences, including George A. Romero, Joe Dante, John Landis, Terry Gilliam, Hideo Nakata.