Normal (2009 film)

Normal (also known as Angels Gone) is a film adaptation of playwright Anthony Neilson's 1991 work Normal: The Düsseldorf Ripper, a fictional account of serial killer Peter Kürten's life, told from the point of view of his defense lawyer. With Milan Kňažko as Kürten, Dagmar Veškrnová as his wife and Pavel Gajdoš as his lawyer Dr. Justus Wehner; directed by Julius Ševčík, lensed by Antonio Riestra. Released in Czech Republic on 26 March 2009.

Normal (2009 film)

Normal (also known as Angels Gone) is a film adaptation of playwright Anthony Neilson's 1991 work Normal: The Düsseldorf Ripper, a fictional account of serial killer Peter Kürten's life, told from the point of view of his defense lawyer. With Milan Kňažko as Kürten, Dagmar Veškrnová as his wife and Pavel Gajdoš as his lawyer Dr. Justus Wehner; directed by Julius Ševčík, lensed by Antonio Riestra. Released in Czech Republic on 26 March 2009.