
Nostell is a village in the City of Wakefield in West Yorkshire, England, near Hemsworth. It is in the civil parish of Huntwick with Foulby and Nostell, which had a population of 90 in 2001, and 164 at the 2011 census (including Wintersett). and is the site of an Augustinian priory which received its charter in 1121. Nostell Priory is an 18th-century Palladian historic house, with interiors by Robert Adam and furniture by Thomas Chippendale. The house was owned by the Winn family and is now in the care of the National Trust.


Nostell is a village in the City of Wakefield in West Yorkshire, England, near Hemsworth. It is in the civil parish of Huntwick with Foulby and Nostell, which had a population of 90 in 2001, and 164 at the 2011 census (including Wintersett). and is the site of an Augustinian priory which received its charter in 1121. Nostell Priory is an 18th-century Palladian historic house, with interiors by Robert Adam and furniture by Thomas Chippendale. The house was owned by the Winn family and is now in the care of the National Trust.